Starting with n labeled vertices and no
edges, introduce edges, one at a time, so as to obtain a sequence
graphs each having no vertex of degree greater than f.
The latter are called f-graphs. At each step the
to be added is selected from among those edges whose addition would not
violate the f-degree restriction
and with probability proportional to the product of the respective
numbers of available sites at the vertices
of the potential edge. We call this procedure the Random
f-Graph Process
with nonuniform edge
(R*f-GP) of order n. This is in contrast to the Random
f-Graph Process (Rf-GP) of order n in which the
edges that are added are selected with uniform probability. Using
the Law of Mass Action, chemists have
derived the degree distribution of the vertices in a graph generated by
the R*f-GP. Here we apply a differential
equation technique to obtain this degree distribution.