The reactions of NO(411) molecules, generated by Hg 6(3P1) photosensitization, with methane, ethane, propane, neopentane, and benzene have been studied a t room temperature in a circulatory system. I n the case of ethane the following reaction products were identified: Nz, NzO, HzO, NOz, CO, Con, CzHa, acetaldehyde, nitroethane, ethyl nitrite, ethyl nitrate, nitroethylene, nttromethane, methyl nitrite, methyl nitrate, formaldehyde. For hydrocarbon consumption, under comparable conditions, the following quantum yield values were established: *-P--(c~H~) < 0.04, *-P--(cH~) > 0.045, *-)--(c~H~) > 0.063, @-)-(,eow,~,e) h . 0.1 mole/einstein. The most probable primary process may be represented by the sequenceAlkyl free radicals catalyze the chain disproportionation of nitric oxide a t room temperature according to the stoichiotnetric equationA minimal value of 12 was established for the average chain length.