In the wake of the worst pandemic since the turn of the century, knowledge management strategy implementation has developed into a worldwide phenomenon. The tumultuous post-pandemic is a survival ground as concerts, Broadway plays, restaurants, and organizations open for business. We wondered if the effective implementation of this strategy is a precursor for the post-pandemic recovery for businesses. We answer, Yes! Because a few decades ago, various prominent scholars shed light on the crucial role of knowledge management strategy. Now, business success also requires that organizations determine knowledge management strategy implementation initiatives required so that they as a whole more effectively manage themselves. But a critical question still remains: how can companies avoid the main errors of knowledge management strategy implementation? Your answer is your own personal journey, but we share the results of our over 10 years of knowledge management consulting experiences to design a better workplace for knowledge management strategy implementation that is not the same as in the past. This article is to help business leaders avoid the main four errors to more effectively implement a knowledge management strategy to efficiently deploy organizational capabilities and better manage organizational knowledge, aiming at increasing and building rapport with the business environment, inspiring employees, and increasing their satisfaction with their careers so that they can become engaged and productive. These errors were found in our knowledge management strategy consulting experience in Australia, the UK, and Japan. Business leaders can make knowledge management strategy implementation more effective by avoiding these errors.