this work, the in-tip thermal infrared enthalpimetry (in-tip
TIE) method is proposed for fast enthalpimetric analysis. In this
method, the reactions inside the tips of a multichannel pipette were
combined with temperature monitoring by an infrared camera. The filter
paper was used inside the tips to retain reagents as solutions (wetted
paper mode) or as solids (dried paper mode) to perform neutralization,
redox, or precipitation reactions. The dried reagents inside the tips
were obtained by oven drying a solution retained in the filter paper.
The determination of the total acidity of the vinegar, ascorbic acid
in vitamin C tablets, and chloride in soy sauces and saline inhalation
solutions was performed as examples of the application of the proposed
method. The agreement with reference methods ranged from 98 to 107%.
The use of reagents dried inside the tip was feasible, leading to
a simple aspiration of sample solution within the 12 tips of the pipette
to perform a rapid analysis (1 min). Therefore, up to 720 measurements
in 1 h were feasible for in-tip TIE over up to 12 measurements for
the reference methods. Moreover, miniaturization reduced reagent consumption
and residue generation. For example, for in-tip TIE, only 3.6 mL of
residues was generated (n = 12) over 60–240
mL in reference methods (n = 3). Contrarily to other
TIE methods, no microplates or stirring was required, opening possibilities
for field analysis since the multichannel pipette and the infrared
camera are both operated with batteries.