Abstract. The Arctic is rapidly changing, disrupting biogeochemical cycles and the
processing, delivery and sedimentation of carbon (C), in linked
terrestrial–aquatic systems. In this investigation, we coupled a
hydrogeomorphic assessment of catchment soils, sediments and plants with a
recent lake sediment sequence to understand the source and quality of organic
carbon present in three Arctic upland lake catchments on Disko Island, located
just south of the low–high Arctic transition zone. This varied permafrost
landscape has exposed soils with less vegetation cover at higher altitudes,
and lakes received varying amounts of glacial meltwater inputs. We provide
improved isotope and biomarker source identifications for palaeolimnological
studies in high-latitude regions, where terrestrial vegetation is at or close
to its northerly and altitudinal range limit. The poorly developed catchment
soils lead to lake waters with low dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
concentrations (≤1.5 mg L−1). Sedimentary carbon/nitrogen
(C/N) ratios, the C isotope composition of organic matter
(δ13Corg) and biomarker ratios (n-alkanes, n-alkanols,
n-alkanoic acids and sterols) showed that sedimentary organic matter (OM) in
these lakes is mostly derived from aquatic sources (algae and macrophytes). We
used a 210Pb-dated sediment core to determine how carbon cycling in
a lake–catchment system (Disko 2) had changed over recent centuries. Recent
warming since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA∼1860 CE), which accelerated after ca. 1950, led to melt of glacier
ice and permafrost, releasing nutrients and DOC to the lake and stimulating
pronounced aquatic algal production, as shown by a >10-fold increase in
β-carotene, indicative of a major regime shift. We also demonstrate
that recent increases in catchment terrestrial vegetation cover contributed to
the autochthonous response. Our findings highlight that in Arctic lakes with
sparsely developed catchment vegetation and soils, recent Anthropocene warming
results in pronounced changes to in-lake C processing and the deposition of
more reactive, predominately autochthonous C, when compared with extensively
vegetated low-Arctic systems.