Thispaper presenta the theory and the computation procedures of a fatigue-life prediction technique for a threaded pin/box TLP tether connector. Fatigue-crack initiation life (N1) is calculated using the low-cycle fatigue approach and fatigue-crack propagation life (Np) is computed using the fracture-mechanics concepts. A nonarbitrarily defined crack initiation size (aI) is used to join N1 and Np to give the total fatigue life (NT).Life predictions were made at fatigue-prone locations such as the last-engaged thread roots and the external upsets.Remaining-life after leak (NR) was also calculated at these locations. The results of life prediction agree very well with the fatigue test data of the 1/6-and l/3-scale tether connectors.The life predictions indicat< that the external upset at the pipe/box transition is the fatigue weakest location and confirm that the pin/box of our conceptual tether design is more fatigue resistant than the pipe. The life predictions indicate the leak-before-break inspection strategy is also achievable at the box area if reliable leak-detection monitoring can be ensured. ,, " n,,.?., 5 . . >938 W. 'b. LIIJLLY .