Polyploidy, the presence of more than two complete sets of chromosomes in an organism, has significantly shaped the genomes of angiosperms during evolution. Two forms of polyploidy are often considered: allopolyploidy, which originates from interspecies hybrids, and autopolyploidy, which originates from intraspecies genome duplication events. Besides affecting genome organization, polyploidy generates other genetic effects. Synthetic allopolyploid plants exhibit considerable transcriptome alterations, part of which are likely caused by the reunion of previously diverged regulatory hierarchies. In contrast, autopolyploids have relatively uniform genomes, suggesting lower alteration of gene expression. To evaluate the impact of intraspecies genome duplication on the transcriptome, we generated a series of unique
Arabidopsis thaliana
autotetraploids by using different ecotypes.
A. thaliana
autotetraploids show transcriptome alterations that strongly depend on their parental genome composition and include changed expression of both new genes and gene groups previously described from allopolyploid
. Alterations in gene expression are stable, nonstochastic, developmentally specific, and associated with changes in DNA methylation. We propose that
possesses an inherent and heritable ability to sense and respond to elevated, yet balanced chromosome numbers. The impact of natural variation on alteration of autotetraploid gene expression stresses its potential importance in the evolution and breeding of plants.