India represents an amazing confluence of geographically, linguistically and socially disparate ethnic populations (Indian Genome Variation Consortium, J Genet 87:3-20, 2008). Understanding the genetic diversity of Indian population remains a daunting task. In this paper we present detailed analysis of genomic variations (high-depth coverage (~ 30×) using Illumina Hiseq 2000 platform) from three healthy Indian male individuals each belonging to three geographically delineated regions and linguistic phylum viz. high altitude region of Ladakh (Tibeto-Burman linguistic phylum), sub mountainous region of Kumaun (Indo-European linguistic phylum) and sea level region of Telangana (Dravidian linguistic phylum) for probing the extent of genetic diversity in our population. The sequencing analysis provided high quality data (~ 95% of the total reads aligned to the human reference genome for each sample) and very good alignment quality (> 80% of the filtered mapped reads had a quality score of 60). A total of 4.3, 3.7 and 4.3 million single nucleotide variations were identified in the genome of high altitude, sub mountainous and sea level respectively by comparing with human reference genome. Approximately 17.3, 18.2, 17.4% of the variants were unique in the three genomes. The study identified many novel variations in the three diverse genomes (132,970 in Ladakh, 112,317 in Kumaun and 128,881 in Telangana individual) and is an important resource for creating a baseline and a comprehensive catalogue of human genomic variation across the Indian as well as the Asian continent.