The Moesian Platform represents a major tectonic unit of the foreland of the Carpathians and Balkans, spanning across the southern part of Romania and the northern part of Bulgaria. Although the Moesian Platform is considered to be a stable tectonic unit, it has played a significant role in the geological history of the region, influencing the development of the surrounding Carpathian and Balkan mountain ranges, making it an area of interest for studying tectonic history, geological structures, and landscape evolution. In the southern part of the Moesian Platform in Romania, delineated to the north and to the east by the steep slopes of the Argeş River valley and to the south by the steep slopes of the Danube River valley, an elevated and W–E promontory-looking geomorphological feature identified by the local inhabitants as “hill” is distinct from the neighbouring flat relief of the Romanian plain. This study is the result of a comprehensive investigation into the geomorphological features and neotectonic structures within this region. An intriguing outcrop displaying a filled fault, cutting and displacing the Quaternary sedimentary formations of the recently named Argeş Promontory, shed light on recent tectonic activities that have influenced the landscape. By integrating field observations, geological, and tectonic data, as well as satellite geodetic data, our results contribute to a better understanding of the study area’s regional geodynamics, emphasizing the significant role of tectonic activity in shaping the present-day landscape.