Abstract. E.J. Axton's experimental database adopted in evaluation of thermal neutron constants by himself and also by a recent project to update the IAEA Neutron Standard was checked against the experimental literature and EXFOR library. We discovered that many data are found neither in the EXFOR library nor in the articles quoted by Axton due to various reasons. This paper summarizes the status of the experimental data cited by Axton in the experimental literature as well as in the EXFOR library.Cross sections for thermal (2200 m/s) neutrons are fundamental neutron-induced reaction data, which have been evaluated at the IAEA since the pioneering works by Westcott [1], Hanna [2] and Lemmel [3,4]. In a typical evaluation of the thermal neutron constants (TNC) within the current IAEA Neutron Standards [5], 25 constants (elastic, fission and capture cross sections, absorption and fission g-factors, and total fission neutron multiplicities of 233 U, 235 U, 239 Pu and 241 Pu at the thermal energy as well as 252 Cf spontaneous total fission neutron multiplicity) measured both in differential (monoenergetic) and integral (broad spectrum) experiments are included in a simultaneous generalized least-squares analysis by the GMA code [5]. Recent TNC evaluations for update of the IAEA Neutron Standard are based on the comprehensive work by Axton [6][7][8]. However, Axton's experimental database (Table 1 of [8]) contains many data not available in the EXFOR library [9]. We have reviewed Axton's experimental database to identify the data missing in EXFOR and possible experimental corrections.The results are summarized in Table 1, where• "Quantity" gives the quantity given in the Axton's database, where (1) a, f, s, sm and γ stand for absorption, fission, scattering, scattering for rolled metal and capture; (2) 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 52 for 239,240,241,242 Pu, 233,234,235 U and 252 Cf; (3) σ and η for 2200 m/s cross section and eta,ν for total fission neutron multiplicity,σ andη for Maxwellian spectrum averaged σ and η at T = 20 • C), g is the Westcott a