For simplicity, contemporary models of written-word recognition and reading have unspecified feature/letter levels-they predict that the visually similar substituted-letter nonword PEQPLE is as effective at activating the word PEOPLE as the visually dissimilar substituted-letter nonword PEYPLE. Previous empirical evidence on the effects of visual similarly across letters during written-word recognition is scarce and nonconclusive. To examine whether visual similarity across letters plays a role early in word processing, we conducted two masked priming lexical decision experiments (stimulus-onset asynchrony = 50 ms). The substituted-letter primes were visually very similar to the target letters (u/v in Experiment 1 and i/j in Experiment 2; e.g., nevtral-NEUTRAL). For comparison purposes, we included an identity prime condition (neutral-NEUTRAL) and a dissimilar-letter prime condition (neztral-NEUTRAL). Results showed that the similarletter prime condition produced faster word identification times than the dissimilar-letter prime condition. We discuss how models of written-word recognition should be amended to capture visual similarity effects across letters.Keywords Visual similarity . Masked priming . Lexical access Contemporary models of written-word recognition and reading in the Roman alphabet share the assumption that lexical access takes place on the basis of case-invariant abstract letter representations that are attained early in processing (Grainger, Dufau, & Ziegler, 2016). For simplicity's sake, these models assume a minimal/null role of visual similarity across letters in lexical access. Using the default parameters in the interactive activation model (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1982) and its successors (e.g., spatial coding model; Davis, 2010), the visually similar substituted-letter prime PEQPLE is as effective at activating the word PEOPLE as the visually dissimilar substituted-letter prime PEYPLE (i.e., each condition yielded 60 processing cycles in masked priming lexical decision using Davis's, 2010, simulator)-note that O and Q share all features but one at the feature-letter level ( ), whereas O and Y do not share any features ( ). Likewise, other leading models posit that all letters are equally confusable (Bayesian reader model: Norris, 2006; Rationale model of eye movements in reading: Bicknell & Levy, 2010) so they would also predict similar word identification times for PEQPLE-PEOPLE and PEYPLE-PEOPLE.Nonetheless, if we assume that it takes time for the cognitive system to encode letter identity (or letter position), visual similarity across letters should have an impact in the early phases of word processing. Clearly, if PEQPLE-PEOPLE produces faster word recognition times than PEYPLE-PEOPLE, modelers should make an effort to develop in greater depth the underpinnings of the links between the feature and letter levels (i.e., this finding could be used as a benchmark for what is there to simulate). An analogy with letter position coding is relevant here: The slot-coding schemes in th...