Expanded r(CUG) repeatsare the cause of the neurological disorder myotonic dystrophy type1 (DM1). The pathological features of DM1 include the formation of ribonuclearf oci containinge xpanded r(CUG) repeats, whichs equestert he MBNL1 protein and lead to the misregulation of alternative pre-mRNA splicing.S mall molecules that bind to the r(CUG) repeats and improve alternative splicingh ave therapeutic potentiali nt he treatment of DM1. Herein, the synthesis of DDAP (a dimericform of the CUG-binding molecule DAP reported previously), its binding properties to r(CUG)r epeats, and its effect on the misregulation of splic-ing are reported. The surfacep lasmon resonance assay,c ircular dichroism spectra, and ESI-TOFm ass spectrometry results confirmed the binding of DDAP to r(CUG) 9 repeats. Studies on aD M1 cell model and aD M1 mouse model revealedt hat DDAP was partially effective in the recovery of the pre-mRNAs plicingd efects. The mechanism underlying this recovery wass tudied in vitro throughac ompetitive binding assay,a nd suggested that DDAP could interfere with the binding of MBNL1 to r(CUG)r epeatsi nac oncentration-dependent manner.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi.