Data security in the modern world is a challenging aspect faced by common man in almost every field-either technical or non-technical. Particularly in Public Clouds where the data is openly available across the internet, customers are not much exposed to the working environment and the diverse spread of data across world wide geographic locations. Intruders attempt to misuse this data to serve their own commercial purpose. The government of India proposed NAD (National Academic Depository) which is a secure zone for people to deposit their valuable certificates rather than carrying to places. Towards this end, the goal of current work is to strengthen the security of certificates being loaded into the depositories by applying Image fusion technique through CBTV (Cloud Based Threshold Value). The proposed method gives a unique solution to prove authenticity of users by generating the secret image using image fusion technique integrated with public key infrastructure on the cloud prior to outsourcing. This is particularly useful to protect the patient health care reports to hide the disease description etc, which may otherwise have unintended consequences. The entire fusion is not disclosed at the cloud server end. The performance of the proposed approach, can be measure by calculating the robustness of the secret image (fused image) against different types of image processing attacks such as salt & pepper noise, Gaussian noise, JPEG compression, speckle noise, geometric noise etc. is calculated while stored at the cloud and effective results are achieved.