High-resolution stratigraphic analysis of the lower second member of the Shahejie Formation of the W79 Block of Bohai Bay Basin, China, has revealed that the study area, previously interpreted as a shallow water delta system, actually mainly originated in a subaerial setting with a distributive pattern. Depositional systems of the distributive fluvial complex (DFC) have been recognized. The regional correlation of the lithofacies within the different depositional systems has led to a high-resolution-stratigraphic framework of two long-term base level cycles, six middle-term base level cycles, and more than 58 short-term base level cycles. Sequence boundary SB1 marks the top of the target interval and is characterized by thick and continuous mudstone overlying sand-rich channel sediments. Sequence boundary SB2 marks the bottom of the target interval and is characterized by stably distributed shales between sand-rich sediments. The base-level fluctuation has a strong tectonic component consistent with the regional tectonic setting; during the active subsidence stage, base-level rising semicycles were recorded in the strata, and during the relatively stable stage, base-level falling semicycles were recorded. ScienceDirect ed. + 1068-7971/$ -see front matter D 201 IGM, Siberian Branch of the RAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserv V.S. S bolev o http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rgg.201 .0 .0 6,