'ús personal d'aquest material. S'ha de demanar permís a l'IEEE per a qualsevol altre ús, incloent la reimpressió/reedició amb fins publicitaris o promocionals, la creació de noves obres col·lectives per a la revenda o redistribució en servidors o llistes o la reutilització de parts d'aquest treball amb drets d'autor en altres treballs. Abstract-One of the key advantages of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is their importance for providing costefficient broadband connectivity. There are issues for achieving the network connectivity and user coverage, which are related with the node placement problem. We already implemented 3 simulation systems (WMN-HC, WMN-SA and WMN-GA) in our previous work. In this work, we present a comparative study by applying these 3 simulation systems for optimal distribution of WMN router nodes in order to provide the best network connectivity and user coverage. From the simulation results, we conclude that for small instances WMN-HC and WMN-SA have better performance than WMN-GA. However, for large instance the performance of WMN-GA simulation system is better.