In this paper, analysis and design of omnidirectional single feed circularly polarized, wide axial ratio beamwidth resonant side-fed biſlar helix antennas not requiring ground plane is presented. The simulation and measurement results show that side-fed helix antennas of various radii gives near perfect circular polarization (CP) almost over the whole sphere except at & around nulls, at a certain turn angle that corresponds to the formula A = ρl
given in [1], where A is the area of loop, ρ is the pitch of the helix and l is the radianlength. Helix with smaller radii gives axial ratio (AR) close to one at higher values of turn angle with lower value of resonant input impedances but CP is less sensitive to inaccuracy in turn angle. However helix with larger radii results in AR close to one at lower values of turn angle and provides better values of input resistance but its AR ismore sensitive to variations in turn angle. The simulated results show that the polarization solid angle beamwidth (for AR ≥ -3dB) varies from 3.96π to 4π steradian. The gain and 3dB beamwidth of the antennas are 2dB and 90 o respectively. The polarization bandwidth varies from 34% to 65%. The simulated results are veriſed by experimental measurements. Index Terms-circular polarization, omnidirectional antenna, axial ratio .