Abstract. Many practitioners and researchers advocate that the designs of the data models of the data warehouses should incorporate the source data as much as possible to answer the finest levels of queries. On the other hand, the source data are very likely to come from systems designed with ER Diagrams. Therefore, many researches have been devoted to design methodologies to build multidimensional model based on corresponding source ER diagrams. However, to the best of our knowledge, no algorithm has been proposed to systematically translates an entire ER Diagram into a multidimensional model with hierarchical snowflake structures. The algorithm proposed in the paper promised to do so with two characteristics, namely, grain preservation and minimal distance from each table to the fact table. Grain preservation characteristic guarantees that translated multidimensional model has cohesive granularity among entities. The minimal distance characteristics guarantees that if an entity can be connected to the fact table in the derived model with more than one paths, the one with the shortest hops will always be chosen. The first characteristic is achieved by translating problematic relationships between entities with weight factor attributes in bridging tables and enhancing fact tables with unique primary keys. The second characteristic is achieved by including a revised shortest path algorithm in the translating algorithm with the distance being calculated as the number of relationships required between entities.