Teaching courses in logic and systems design is not complete unless th e students are able to design a logic system as a part of their course work .A project on the design of an asynchronou s computer system is presented in this paper . This system is microprogrammed and has n o master clock to time the micro operations . The computer designed has sixteen machin e instructions, 2K core memory, and a microcomputer with 256 word ROM .
. INTRODUCTIO NMost digital systems have maste r clock generators whose clock pulses contro] . the timing of various micro-leve l operations . Such systems are known a s synchronous systems . In contrast, w e have asynchronous systems without such a master clock to time the micro-leve l operations . In these systems, the termination of a micro-level operation itsel f will initiate the next micro-level operation . Practically speaking, an asynchronous system will be a useful subsystem within a larger synchronous system . Suc h systems are needed when it cannot b e decided ahead of time how many cloc k pulses long an operation would take . On e example is during the execution of shif t and rotate instructions . The time the y require depends upon the value of th e operand, decided by the user but not th e designer .Asynchronous designs are taught i n most of the switching circuit courses . However, many teachers prefer giving a synchronous design project (1) in suc h courses . The project presented here ha s been tried (with fewer instructions) i n a graduate level switching theory cours e and the student response was very encouraging . This project is intended to giv e the students necessary experience in bot h asynchronous design as well as microprogramming .Students taking this course ar e assumed to have taken at least one cours e in logic design (2,3,4 ) (including Boolean Algebra, flip-flops, registers , and basic logic circuit design .) Beside s this course, the students are assumed t o have a good background in at least on e assembler language . The project was chosen to be small enough to cover in a semester . The students are expected t o spend between twenty and thirty hours o f serious work to complete this project .
. ABOUT THE PROJEC TThe project deals with the design o f a laboratory computer with sixteen machin e language instructions described below .