This study aimed to determine the performance and long-term outcomes of therapeutic ERCP in very old patients. Patients aged or over 90 (Group A, n = 78) and consecutive sex-matched controls (Group B, n = 312) under 65 selected were compared. More patients in Group A had chronic concomitant diseases, but the success and complication rates were comparable. The follow-up of 61 patients (78.2%) in Group A were done, with a mean period of 27.5 (3–54) months. Seven patients survived; the main causes of death for the other patients were concomitant diseases (n = 43) and primary diseases (n = 11). In patients with choledocholithiasis, cases with complete extractions of stones in bile ducts survived longer than those without (30 vs. 24 months, P < 0.001). Therapeutic ERCP in patients aged 90 years or older is effective and safe. In patients with choledocholithiasis, complete clearance of stones is associated with longer survival time.