In March 2020, a symposium was held in Newmarket, UK, aiming to discuss measures which could be used internationally to reduce the risk of catastrophic fracture associated with the fetlock joint. The meeting was supported by the Gerald Leigh Charitable Trust, the Beaufort Cottage Charitable Trust and the Jockey Club with additional contributions from a number of industry stakeholders (Data S2). On the first day a panel of international experts (Data S1: The FRAT Group) discussed risk assessment protocols, particularly those based on imaging features which might indicate increased risk of imminent fracture. This was followed by a wider discussion with a diverse invited audience (Data S3), on how our current knowledge of fracture pathophysiology and risk factors for injury could be used to target risk assessment protocols. A delegates' survey on the key discussion points allowed quantification of opinions. This editorial highlights key meeting outcomes and identifies actionable items that can be taken forward with immediate effect. AUTH O R CO NTR I B UTI O N S All authors gave their final approval of the manuscript.