SYNOPSIS Two hundred and eighty-two schizophrenics discharged from St John's Hospital, Stone, were followed-up. The reliability of the diagnosis was measured by the extent of agreement among the hospital clinicians. The number of readmissions and the time spent in hospital were ascertained and correlated with the sex, civil state and age at first admission of the subjects.It was found that a higher proportion of males than of females was readmitted; that the proportion of single persons among male schizophrenics is higher than among comparable age groups in the general population; that single males are more frequently admitted than single females; that the peak age of first admission for males is 10 years earlier than for females and that men whose age at first admission is below the median are more frequently readmitted than those whose age at first admission is above it.Women are more frequently married than men at the onset of schizophrenia, giving rise to the suggestion that marriage has a protective effect in schizophrenia. This hypothesis was not supported by our findings. The bearing of these findings on the course, genetics and marital handicap of schizophrenia is discussed.
INTRODUCTIONprobably received most attention.During 1929-31 The significance of the effects of age at onset, sex i n N e w Y o r k State > Malzberg (1935) found the and marriage in schizophrenia lies in the insight first admission rate greater for males than for they afford to the interaction of biological and females but the rate considered at different age social processes affecting it and their bearing on P e r i o d s d i f f e r e d considerably between the sexes, aetiology and outcome. Studies of the effect of F r°m 1 4 t o 2 4 y e a r s t h e m a l e r a t e r o s e r a P l d l y t o these variableson outcome have produced varying a maximum of 52 per 100000 at 20-24 and thereresults, as shown in Tables 1 and 2, where from af *er decreased. Female rates were lower and various sources the effect of sex and age of onset r e a c h e d a l o w e r maximum more slowly: 35 per on outcome of schizophrenia is categorized ac-1 0 0 0 0° a t 3 5~3 9 y e a r s -T h e married had a cording to whether each is favourable or un-markedly lower first admission rate (23 per favourable. The variability in results can be 100000) than the single (97 per 100000); the rate attributed in part to the different criteria of out-f°r single males was higher but for married males come adopted and the unreliability of the diag-l o w e r t h a n f o r corresponding groups of females, nosis of schizophrenia. If hospitalization is T h e s e r e s u I t s h a v e b e e n confirmed for other adopted as the criterion of outcome, it can Pl ac es and t.mes by Oedegaard (1946) for the conveniently be considered at 3 stages: admission, population of Norway