lndustry 4.0, which is the new and last industrial revolution in the history of humanity, is also called the smart factory and smart production era (Gabaçlı and Uzunöz, 2017: 150). Industry 4.0 also means the rapid change in technology, social patterns, industry and production process in the 21st century due to the rising intercommunication and relations and intelligent automation system (Bai, Dallasega, Orzes, & Sarkis, 2020; Kıymaz and Can,2016:108). Innovations and rapid developments in production technology show that production will be realized at a constantly rising level, like the industrial revolutions that took place before. With Industry 4.0, the production factors determined by the enterprises as the target are planned in the most perfect way, providing cost savings and a rapid increase in production capacity and quality (Kaya and Yanık, 2011: 296). Industry 4.0 has brought great changes in the field of education, as in every field. The education process and the way the instructors work will be significantly affected by this process. The Industry 4.0 process has brought new changes to the agenda in the field of education. In this article, the changes caused by the Industry 4.0 process in the field of education as well as in all areas of life have been tried to be discussed in detail(Yücel, 2004: 100-101).