We perform a complete calculation of electron-seeded pair creation (the trident process) in a constant crossed electromagnetic background. Unlike earlier treatments, we include the interference between exchange diagrams. We find that this exchange interference can be written as a contribution solely to the one-step process, and for small quantum nonlinearity parameter is of the same order as other one-step terms. We find that the exchange interference further suppresses the one-step process in this parameter regime. Our findings further support the crucial assumption made in laser-plasma simulation codes that at high intensities, the trident process can be well approximated by the repeated iteration of the single-vertex subprocesses. The applicability of this assumption to higher-vertex processes has fundamental importance to the development of simulation capabilities. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.016005 When an electron propagates in an intense electromagnetic (EM) field, there is a finite probability that the radiation it produces will decay into an electron-positron pair. If the EM field is weak, in that the effect is perturbative in the charge-field interaction, it corresponds to the linear Breit-Wheeler process [1], where one photon from the background collides with the photon radiated by the electron to produce a pair. Although important in astrophysical contexts [2,3], this linear process has still to be measured in a terrestrial experiment [4]. If the laser pulse intensity is strong, in that all orders of the charge-field interaction must be included in calculations, the photon decay into a pair corresponds to the nonlinear BreitWheeler process. A quarter of a century after electronseeded pair creation was first calculated theoretically in constant magnetic [5] and crossed [6] backgrounds, the combination of nonlinear Compton scattering followed by the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler process was measured in the landmark E144 experiment performed at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) [7,8]. The importance of this experiment to the laser strong-field QED community can be understood in light of continued interpretation and analysis of the E144 results in the literature [9][10][11].In addition to also having astrophysical importance, a measurement of electron-seeded pair creation in a terrestrial laser-particle collision would allow the study of nonperturbative quantum field theory. As the intensity of the laser pulse increases, for a fixed frequency and seed particle energy, the process moves from the perturbative, to the multiphoton and finally to a tunneling regime [9], in which dependency on the charge-field coupling takes a nonperturbative form.To aid experimental design and analysis, there is an interest in including electron-seeded pair creation in traditional plasma particle-in-cell (PIC) code, using Monte Carlo techniques. Lowest-order processes such as nonlinear Compton scattering [12,13] and photon-seeded pair creation [14][15][16] are included in various simulation codes [17][18][19] and their ...