“…The emergence of predatory publication piratry, ‘authorship for hire’ schemes and the beginnings of a goldrush into a potential future “Spine Metaverse” realm within a gargantuan metaverse that currently mushrooms in a largely unregulated boundaryless cyber environment have caught the traditional academic community unprepared. 7,8 Verifying authentic and unique high quality academic work will go well beyond using word check programs to identify illicit authorship appropriations and will require digital sleuthing to counter these new dynamics.- ⁃ Into this arena of evolving complex challenges to detect academic misconduct and fraud arrives a new evolutionary step in Artificial Intelligence applied to sophisticated content creation in form of free public writing platforms. An example for this is an open resource platform called ChatGPT launched by the ‘Open AI’ project which has refined an algorithm called ‘Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).