Phase interpolators are critical blocks in some clock and data recovery (CDR) systems.These interpolators are generally implemented using current-mode logic (CML). This work presents the design of an all-digital phase interpolator based on static CMOS logic gates and cells with a 5-bit resolution. This phase interpolator demonstrates functionality with input clock frequencies of 10 GHz while maintaining relatively low power consumption and acceptable linearity. The interpolator as a standalone block was characterized through post-layout simulations using extracted parasitics and simulating across process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations. This design achieves a worstcase power consumption of 6.7mW, DNL of 0.26 LSB, INL of 0.31 LSB, and a settling time of 4 clock cycles. This phase interpolator was partially fabricated as a component of a system. The system was fabricated in the TSMC 65nm general-purpose technology and process.