In the analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, voltage references that are independent of various factors such as temperature drift, noise, supply voltage, etc., and efficient in terms of power as well as area, are highly in demand to improve the efficiency of the overall circuits. Voltage references are one of those circuits that have applications in both high-power systems and low-power system-on-chip (SoC) designs for wireless connectivity like the internet of the things (IoT) or the internet of the medical things (IoMT). They are responsible for providing a stable bias or reference voltage. Thus, voltage reference influences directly or indirectly the performance of these systems. A comparative study between the techniques used in bandgap voltage references and CMOS voltage references, in terms of performance parameters such as line sensitivity, output noise, PSRR, temperature coefficient, etc., is presented in this paper so that we can choose the voltage references as per the applications and environment.