New models and capabilities in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (JPL) Lunar Surface Operations Simulator (LSOS) are reported in this paper. LSOS is a simulator built to support surface operations design and planning for future lunar missions. LSOS models surface systems, their mechanical properties, and operations. In addition to simulating the dynamic interactions during operations, for example, wheel-soil interaction or component motion, LSOS also models associated environmental, and system mechanical and physical processes. These include thermal, radiation and power transients, and terrain. Lighting models are used to generate material textures, reflectance and shadows. LSOS's integrated architecture allows use of common models and enables interactions between components operating in different domains to be easily modeled. Models used in LSOS simulations and results from the simulation of two traverses are reported. The first is a replication of a traverse conducted during a field trial of prototype systems. The second is a traverse from a lunar outpost site near Shackleton Crater to Malapert Mountain. LSOS simulations and analyses will provide data to help in the optimization of mission plans.