Homomorphic message authentication codes (MAC) have been proposed to thwart pollution attacks in network coding. The existing schemes mainly are based on the vector inner product or trace function over finite fields. Recently, Wang and Hu presented a generic construction of homomorphic MAC scheme based on linear mapping over finite fields which is an excellent abstract of the vector inner product and the trace function. However, their construction can only be used for single-file transmission. In this paper, we convert their scheme into a new one that supports multi-file transmission. Moreover, our scheme needs shorter key when one wants to achieve the same security as that of Wang et al. Index Terms-Homomorphic MAC, network coding, pollution attacks, linear mapping I. INTRODUCTION Network coding provides a new data transmission paradigm, in which intermediate nodes are allowed to mix/code packets rather than just forward them. This technique is proven capable of achieving maximized throughtput [1], enhanced robustness, and lower energy consumption [2] for communication networks. However, the information-mixing nature of network coding also renders it more susceptible to pollution attacks than the traditional store-and-forward paradigm. The existing techniques for combating data pollution in network coding include some information-theoretic approaches [3] and cryptographic approaches [4], which can also be divided into public key setting, such as homomorphic hash, homomorphic signature [5], and symmetric key setting, such as homomorphic MAC [6] (See [7] for further discussion). However, researchers prefer the schemes based on symmetric key, which are considered to be computationally efficient and hence of more practical meaning for network coding. In recent years, several works was proposed by Agrawal and Boneh [6]. In particular, they essentially use the inner product between two vectors over the (n+m)