The structural properties of Nd Co \V Ga V compounds (x"5, 6 and 7) were studied by means of neutron diffraction. The refinement results of the neutron powder diffraction patterns show that the Ga atoms completely avoid the 9d site in the rhombohedral Th Zn structure. Furthermore, the Ga atoms increasingly occupy the 6c and 18f sites at the cost of the 18h site that shows a decreasing Ga occupancy in this concentration range. At 4.2 K, the easy magnetisation direction is perpendicular to the c-axis for x"5 and 6, but parallel to the c-axis for x"7. From magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction it is derived that the Co and Nd moments at 4.2 K strongly decrease with increasing Ga concentration. There is also a strong decrease of the Curie temperature with Ga increasing concentration.1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.