Forming planets around binary stars may be more difficult than around single stars [1][2][3] . In a close binary star (< 100 au separation), theory predicts the presence of circumstellar discs around each star, and an outer circumbinary disc surrounding a gravitationally cleared inner cavity 4,5 . As the inner discs are depleted by accretion onto the stars on timescales of few 10 3 yr, replenishing material must be transferred from the outer reservoir in order to fuel 1 planet formation (which occurs on timescales of ∼1 Myr). Gas flowing through disc cavities has been detected in single star systems 6 . A circumbinary disc was discovered around the young low-mass binary system GGTau-A 7 , which has recently been proven to be a hierarchical triple system 8 . It has one large inner disc 9 around the southern single star and shows small amounts of shocked H 2 gas residing within the central cavity 10 , but other than a weak detection 11 , hitherto the distribution of cold gas in this cavity or in any other binary or multiple star system has never been determined. Here we report imaging of massive CO-emitting gas fragments within the GG Tau-A cavity. From the kinematics we conclude that the flow appears capable of sustaining the inner disc beyond the accretion lifetime, leaving time for planet formation to occur.The 1-5 Million year old 12, 13 triple stellar system GGTau-A is located at 140 pc in a hole of the Taurus molecular cloud. Its molecular emission is free of contamination 14 and there is no known outflow neither jet associated to the source. The main binary GGTau-A (Aa-Ab) and the close-binary GGTau-Ab (Ab1-Ab2) have an apparent separation of 35 au and 4.5 au, respectively 8 .The outer circumbinary Keplerian disc of gas and dust surrounding GGTau-A consists of a ring extending from radius r ∼ 190 to 280 au and an outer disc extending up to 800 au from the central stars with a total mass ∼ 0.15 M ⊙ 14 .Using the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA), we observed GGTau-A in the dust thermal emission at 0.45 mm and in CO J=6-5 line ( Fig.1: panels a,b,c) with an angular resolution θ ≃ 0.25 ′′ or ∼35 au. The continuum image shows cold dust emission from only one circumstellar 2 disc-like structure associated with GGTau-Aa 9, 15 . We estimate the minimum dust disc size to be ∼ 7 au while the minimum mass of gas and dust is roughly 10 −3 M ⊙ about Jupiter's mass. The complex CO J=6-5 spectral line shape at the location of GGTau-Aa also reveals the existence of a CO circumstellar disc of outer radius ∼ 20 au (Methods and Extended Data: Fig.2). We do not detect cold dust emission around GGTau-Ab even though the existence of inner dust disc(s) was reported from unresolved Infrared emission 16 . Our 0.45 mm upper limits (Methods) are compatible with tidal truncation which prevents any circumstellar disc to extend beyond about 2 au 8 .The ALMA CO J=6-5 image ( Fig.1 panels a,b,c and Extended Data: Fig.1 and Fig.2) also clearly resolves CO gas within the central cavity with a structure indicative of the streamer-like f...