“…In addition, a number of studies have focused on coding specific provision areas across a smaller number of agreements. These areas include goods market access (Estevadeordal, Shearer and Suominen, 2009); trade remedies (Viljoen [2016], Crawford, McKeagg and Tolstova [2013] and Kruger, Denner and Cronje [2009] on safeguards and Teh, Prusa and Budetta [2009] on trade remedies more generally); TBTs (Piermartini and Budetta, 2009); intellectual property (Valdés and McCann, 2014;Elsig and Surbeck, 2016); and competition (Solano and Sennekamp, 2006). More recent studies include OECD analysis (World Bank, publication forthcoming) of SPS provisions across 283 agreements notified to the WTO and in force, as part of a broader World Bank study on regional trade agreements.…”