The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour Der response. including the time for reviewing instructions. searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to Department of Defense. Nashington Headquarters Services Directorate for information 14. ABSTRACT The rate constants and product-ion branching ratios for the reactions of sulfur dioxide (SO'), sulfur fluoride (SF.-), and sulfur oxyfluoride anions (SO,F1') with H, H 2 . N, N 2 , NO, and 0 have been measured in a selected-ion flow tube H atoms were generated through a microwave discharge on a H 2 /He mixture, whereas 0 atoms were created via N atoms titrated with NO, where the N had been created by a microwave discharge on N 2 . None of the ions reacted with H 2 , N 2 , or NO; thus the rate constants are <1 X 10"12 cm 3 S4. SO F, ions react with H by only fluorine-atom abstraction to form HF at 298 and 500 K. Successive F-atom removal does not occur at either temperature, and the rate constants show no temperature dependence over this limited range. SO and F undergo associative detachment with H to form a neutral molecule and an electron. Theoretical calculations of the structures and energetics of HSO, isomers were performed and showed that structural differences, between the ionic and neutral HSO 2 species can account for at least part of the reactivity limitations in the S02-+ H reaction.All of the SO,F, ions react with 0; however, only S02 reacts with both N and 0. SO,F' reactions with N (SO 2 ' excluded) have a rate constant limit of