In this paper, we introduce a dynamical urban planning model. This leads us to study a system of nonlinear equations coupled through multi-marginal optimal transport problems. A simple case consists in solving two equations coupled through the solution to the Monge-Ampère equation. We show that the Wasserstein gradient flow theory provides a very good framework to solve this highly nonlinear system. At the end, an uniqueness result is presented in dimension one based on convexity arguments.
IntroductionRecently, Kinderlehrer, Monsaingeon and Xu proposed in [16] a gradient flow approach to solve the Poisson-Nernst-Planck systemThis system is, for instance, used to model ionic transport of sereval interacting species. Inspired by this work we are interested in a "nonlinear" version where species ρ 1 and ρ 2 are coupled through the Monge-Ampère equation instead of the Poisson equation,where ϕ c is the c-transform of ϕ, ϕ c (x) = sup y |x − y| 2 − ϕ(y) and |x| 2 − ϕ is convex.This kind of systems can arise naturally in urban planning. In a series of works [6,7,12,9,10,21,22,23] (non-exhaustive list), static models of urban planning were proposed. A simplified model consists in considering an urban area region Ω where residents and services, given by two probability densities on Ω, ρ 1 and ρ 2 , want to minimize a quantity, E(ρ 1 , ρ 2 ), to reach an ideal organization in the city. The total cost has to take into account a transportation cost between residential areas and service areas, a congestion effect for residential areas due to the fact that the population does not want to live in very crowded area and, on the contrary, services want to be more concentrated in order to increase