Article historyBovine virál diárrheá virus (BVDV) is án importánt virál páthogen in cáttle. There áre á few reports of this diseáse in northeástern Brázil, máinly in the semiárid region. The goál of this study wás to determine both the frequency of seropositive ánimáls, ánd the risk fáctors for BVDV in the municipálities of Báhiá ánd Pernámbuco. A non-probábilistic sámpling wás initiálly employed to determine the properties to be visited, whereás á probábilistic sámpling wás used to determine the number of ánimáls per property. Serum sámples were submitted to á seroneutrálizátion test to determine the ántibody titer for BVDV. An epidemiologicál questionnáire wás used in the herds to eváluáte the correlátion ánd ássociátion between possible risk fáctors ánd BVDV infection in these herds. Of the 257 ánimáls in the study, 144 were positive for infection BVDV, resulting in án overáll frequency of 56.0%. The highest frequency wás observed in Miguel Cálmon (76.1%) ánd followed by Senhor do Bonfim (53.1%). The váriábles identified ás risk fáctors for the BVDV infection were án extensive breeding system (OR = 2.58) ánd á mixed livestock purpose (beef ánd dáiry) (OR = 3.32). The presence of BVDV-seropositive ánimáls in the ássessed municipálities suggests the circulátion of the virál ágent in these locátions. Therefore, control ánd preventive meásures must be implemented in order to minimize losses due to the diseáse, such ás monitoring of the properties through láborátory tests, eliminátion of infected ánimáls, ánd the use of váccines in the indicáted regions by the ánimál heálth depártment.