This paper presents the first in-orbit results of the modular two-unit (2U) nanosatellite SOMP2b, focusing on the satellite bus itself and its scientific payloads. Launched in January 2021, SOMP2b comprises an innovative highly integrated satellite design with a high payload capacity. It contains the in-situ measurement of atomic oxygen in the thermosphere (FIPEXnano), a thermoelectric generator to investigate waste heat recovery in satellites (TEGonSOMP) and a material experiment to study the behaviour of carbon nanotubes in a space environment (CiREX2). The commissioning of the satellite bus was, in most respects, successful. Despite manageable limitations in communication and attitude functions, the payloads TEGonSOMP and FIPEXnano were successfully commissioned. Regarding the failure of CiREX2, countermeasures in fthe orm of in-orbit software updates are being investigated at the time of this publication.