Abstract. We construct an abstract pseudodifferential calculus with operatorvalued symbol, suitable for the treatment of Coulomb-type interactions, and we apply it to the study of the quantum evolution of molecules in the BornOppenheimer approximation, in the case of the electronic Hamiltonian admitting a local gap in its spectrum. In particular, we show that the molecular evolution can be reduced to the one of a system of smooth semiclassical operators, the symbol of which can be computed explicitely. In addition, we study the propagation of certain wave packets up to long time values of Ehrenfest order. (This work has been accepted for publication as part of the Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society and will be published in a future volume.)
IntroductionIn quantum physics, the evolution of a molecule is described by the initial-value Schrödinger system,where ϕ 0 is the initial state of the molecule and H stands for the molecular Hamiltonian involving all the interactions between the particles constituting the molecule (electron and nuclei). In case the molecule is imbedded in an electromagnetic field, the corresponding potentials enter the expression of H, too. Typically, the interaction between two particles of positions z and z ′ , respectively, is of Coulomb type, that is, of the form α|z − z ′ | −1 with α ∈ IR constant.In the case of a free molecule, a first approach for studying the system (1.1) consists in considering bounded initial states only, that is, initial states that are eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian after removal of the center of mass motion. More precisely, one can split the Hamiltonian into,where the two operators H CM (corresponding to the kinetic energy of the center of mass) and H Rel (corresponding to the relative motion of electrons and nuclei) commute. As a consequence, the quantum evolution factorizes into,where the (free) evolution e −itHCM of the center of mass can be explicitly computed (mainly because H CM has constant coefficients), while the relative motion e −itH Rel still contains all the interactions (and thus, all the difficulties of the problem). Then, taking ϕ 0 of the form,where α 0 depends on the position of the center of mass only, and ψ j is an eigenfunction of H Rel with eigenvalue E j , the solution of (1.1) is clearly given by,Therefore, in this case, the only real problem is to know sufficiently well the eigenelements of H Rel , in order to be able to produce initial states of the form (1.2).In 1927, M. Born and R. Oppenheimer [BoOp] proposed a formal method for constructing such an approximation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of H Rel . This method was based on the fact that, since the nuclei are much heavier than the electrons, their motion is slower and allows the electrons to adapt almost instantaneously to it. As a consequence, the motion of the electrons is not really perceived