In developed countries, one of the major causes in cancer-related deaths among women are due to Metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Some of the many challenges one faced are diagnostic and therapeutic limitations. The causes of these limitations are due to tumor heterogeneity and also various physiological barriers that make drug delivery to specific metastatic sites difficult. To overcome such challenges, targeted nanoparticles are used. The targeted nanoparticles are exploited for surface fictionalization, and can be directed towards tumor markers and tissue-specific metastases. These targeted nanoparticles techniques may provide an effective tool towards treatment for Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) related patients in case of lowvascularised and small-sized metastases. In this article we considered surface fictionalization nanoparticles as nono machines and presents an approach to control them at the nano-meter or molecular scale (10-9 meter) in the perspective of the theory of cybernetics, the science of control, communication and computation. In this paper, we discuss a specific method of special autonomous nano-robotic systems which can be used for bio-mechanical and bio-medical purposes. We have considered a fuzzy shaped based approach in describing how a single malignant cell can be recognises along with its stage, as a suitable target for medical treatment. After synthesis and imaging of magnetic nanoparticles is complete, functional binding of the magnetic nanoparticles with its medicine takes place which is then directed towards effected regions for targeted drug delivery. Such as in this case cancer treatment which is also presented specially to metastatic breast cancer treatment. The result portrays its massive potential in upcoming transition of the research work into practical clinical practice for an effective diagnosis and treatment of the disease in near future.