The need for tomographic reconstruction from sparse measurements arises when the measurement process is potentially harmful, needs to be rapid, or is uneconomical. In such cases, information from previous longitudinal scans of the same object ('templates' forming the 'prior'), helps to reconstruct the current object ('test') while requiring significantly fewer updating measurements. In this work, we improve the state of the art by proposing the context under which priors can be effectively used based on the final goal of the application at hand.Our work is based on longitudinal data acquisition scenarios where we wish to study new changes that evolve within an object over time, such as in repeated scanning for disease monitoring, or in tomography-guided surgical procedures.While this is easily feasible when measurements are acquired from a large number of projection angles (referred to as 'views' henceforth), it is challenging when the number of views is limited. If the goal is to track the changes while simultaneously reducing sub-sampling artefacts, we propose (1) acquiring measurements from a small number of views and using a global unweighted prior-based reconstruction. If the goal is to observe details of new changes, we propose (2) acquiring measurements from a moderate number of views and using a more involved reconstruction routine. We show that in the latter case, a weighted technique is necessary in order to prevent the prior from adversely affecting the reconstruction of new structures that are absent in any of the earlier scans. The