warwick.ac.uk/lib-publicationsOriginal citation: Nev, Olga and Berg, Hugo van den. (2017) Mathematical models of microbial growth and metabolism : a whole-organism perspective. Science Progress, 100 (4). pp. 343-362.
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Publisher's statement:This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Science Reviews 2000 Ltd in Science Progresson 1 November 2017, available online: https://doi.org/10.3184/003685017X15063357842583
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ABSTRACTWe review the principles underpinning the development of mathematical models of the metabolic activities of micro-organisms. Such models are important to understand and chart the substantial contributions made by micro-organisms to geochemical cycles, and also to optimise the performance of bio-reactors that exploit the biochemical capabilities of these organisms. We advocate an approach based on the principle of dynamic allocation. We survey the biological background that motivates this approach, including nutrient assimilation, the regulation of gene expression, and the principles of microbial growth. In addition, we discuss the classic models of microbial growth as well as contemporary approaches. The dynamic allocation theory generalises these classic models in a natural manner and is readily amenable to the additional information provided by transcriptomics and proteomics approaches. Finally, we touch upon these organising principles in the context of the transition from the free-living unicellular mode of life to multicellularity.