concentration in neighboring ECs. The small endothelial Ca 2ϩ spread can amplify the total current generated at the local site by the ECs and through the nitric oxide pathway, by the SMCs, and thus reduces the number of stimulated cells required to induce distant responses. The distance of the electrotonic and Ca 2ϩ spread depends on the magnitude of SM prestimulation and the number of SM layers. Model results are consistent with experimental data for vasoreactivity in rat mesenteric resistance arteries. intercellular communication; membrane potential; calcium dynamics FOCAL APPLICATION OF CERTAIN vasoactive agents to microvessels may cause significant vasomotor responses, both locally and at relatively distant sites. The distant responses are mediated by intrinsic signal transduction mechanisms within the vascular wall, independent of the diffusion of the stimulating agent, hemodynamic effects, or innervations. These conducted responses have been reported in different vascular beds and species (12,14,20,33,41) and may play a role in both the rapid and long-term coordination of microvascular function. Vasodilatation initiated locally by increased metabolic demand may be conducted upstream to feed arteries to allow adequate increase in blood flow (42, 43); conducted vasoconstriction may be important in the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism of renal autoregulation (20); and theoretical simulations suggest that axial communication in the vasculature is required to suppress the generation of large proximal shunts during longterm structural adaptation of microvascular networks (38).The underlying mechanisms of spreading responses remain poorly understood, but electrotonic transmission of membrane potential changes (⌬V m ) and calcium (Ca 2ϩ ) waves through the endothelium seem to play the major role (46, 48). In some vessels, including in rat mesenteric resistance arteries (RMA), the signal is attenuated away from the stimulus site, and the vasoreactivity observed at a distant site is attributed to Ca 2ϩ -independent passive electronic diffusion through gap junctions (20,47). In other vascular beds, the conducted signal can spread over significant distances with minimal attenuation, and thus facilitating/regenerative mechanisms should be involved (24). A number of hypotheses have been proposed to account for the facilitation of the transmitted signal. One suggestion is that membrane hyperpolarization is enhanced by inwardly rectifying potassium (K ir ) channels and/or the sodium-potassium (NaK) pump (8). Alternatively, a wave of nitric oxide (NO) release along the arteriolar endothelium, triggered by a spread of Ca 2ϩ , could induce spreading dilatation (4, 10). Remote Ca 2ϩ waves have been reported in hamster feed arteries (10, 50). A regenerative mechanism based on the activation of endothelial voltage-dependent sodium and calcium channels has also been suggested (16).A number of theoretical studies have been performed to investigate spreading responses. Hirst and Neild (26) modeled a vessel segment as a continuo...