Abstract. This study was developed to reveal the correlation between current intensity and pulse off time with surface roughness of Ti-621/0.8 in fine EDM machining, in a unique manner of dielectric fluid approach. Depth of cut was taken in consideration to be not as high 1 µm due to the fact that good results were taken for more less heights before. In the case of Ti alloy (Ti-621/0.8) bar, EDM machining with low parameters (limited 110 V) is a delicate process, in which reaching SR under 1 µm is a challenge. Cooper and Graphite electrodes were used, die sinker oil dielectric from machine manufacture was used, without thermal modification to workpiece or electrode, just active dielectric compensatory fluid pumping solution with 0.5 MPa.
IntroductionThe machining of Ti-621/0.8 with conventional machining processes is very difficult because of high toughness and low thermal conductivity. Investigate the effects of cooling time due to pulse off time as prime factor, and peak current intensity as a second factor, of fine machining without using other cooling options, like cryogenically treatment before or in time of processing [1] which provided smooth surface appearance, the cold effect is provided only from the speed and direction of dielectric fluid in the gap area. Regardless of pulse on time which is one of the main factors in MRR (Material Remove Rate), the surface roughness quality is based on efficiency of recasting time of layers [3]. Controlling the thermal proprieties of the Ti-621/0.8 is capital when we have a process in which cooling is allowed less time than heating up on a regime of finish EDM machining with spark temperatures around melting temperature of Ti alloy.Optimizing input parameters or other means like dielectric approach, is allowing a larger area of applicability in the industry of Ti-621/0.8.The influence of the workpiece after solidifying and before machining conditions, were made just for reducing the unwanted deforming lines in the workpiece profile, reducing thermal modifications [2] due to classical machining of fabrication in the pre-process of EDM.Presented experiments are applicable on the workpiece models that will have a distinct simple geometrical surface to be machined on, and a very good dielectric gap circulation.