Two kinds of parallel possibilities exist in the block-based Gauss-Jordan
(BbGJ) algorithm, which are intra-step and inter-steps based parallelism. But
the existing parallel paradigm of BbGJ algorithm just aiming at the
intra-step based parallelism, can?t meet the requirement of dispatching
simultaneously as many tasks as possible to computing nodes of desktop grid
platform exploiting thousands of volunteer computing resources. To overcome
the problem described above, this paper presents a hybrid parallel paradigm
for desktop grid platform, exploiting all the possible parallelizable parts
of the BbGJ algorithm. As well known to us all, volatility is the key issue
of desktop grid platform and faults are unavoidable during the process of
program execution. So the adapted version of block BbGJ algorithm for desktop
grid platform should take the volatility into consideration. To solve the
problem presented above, the paper adopts multi-copy distribution strategy
and multi-queue based task preemption method to ensure the key tasks can be
executed on time, thus ensure the whole tasks can be finished in shorter
period of time.