We study the basic structures of matrix-valued harmonic functions on locally compact groups. We show that the bounded matrix-valued harmonic functions on a group form a Jordan triple system and we determine its structure. We also show that Liouville property implies amenability of the group. We characterize the unbounded matrix-valued harmonic functions on abelian groups.which motivates the following definition. Given a probability measure s on a locally compact group G, a Borel function f :Harmonic functions on groups play an important role in many areas of mathematics. Recently, matrix-valued harmonic functions on groups have been studied in [8], [10], [33], with some applications to problems concerning the L p -dimension of vector-valued selfsimilar measures. As in the scalar case, the matrix-valued harmonic functions on groups arise naturally in the following way. Brought to you by | University of Connecticut Authenticated Download Date | 5/29/15 2:29 AM f A L 2 w ðG; M n Þ 7 ! H t f ðxÞ A M n is bounded and H t f is continuous, then there exists C t; x A L 2 w ðG; M n Þ (cf. [20], Proposition 4.4) such that H t f ðxÞ ¼ Ð G f ðyÞw 2 ðyÞC t; x ðyÞ dlðyÞ:Since L u L ¼ LL u , we have ðL u H t Þ f ðxÞ ¼ H t f ðu À1 xÞ which gives, for l-almost all y A G, w 2 ðyÞC t; u À1 x ðyÞ ¼ w 2 ðuyÞC t; x ðuyÞ ðu A GÞ:Then h t ðx À1 yÞ ¼ w 2 ðx À1 yÞC t; e ðx À1 yÞ ¼ w 2 ðyÞC t; x ðyÞ. Chu, Matrix-valued harmonic functions on groups Brought to you by | University of Connecticut Authenticated Download Date | 5/29/15 2:29 AM