Design, fabrication and assembly of a novel fastcycling accelerator magnet is presented. A short-sample magnet is powered with a single-turn HTS cable capable to carry 80 kA current at 20 K and generate 1.75 T field in a 40 mm magnet gap. The applied conventional leads and the power supply, however, allow only for a sin-wave 24 kA, 20 Hz current limiting test magnet to a B-field of 0.5 T and to a maximum cycling rate of 20 T/s. The critical aspects of the cable construction and the splicing connection to the power leads are described. Tentative power losses of the proposed HTS accelerator magnet in a possible application for proton and muon accelerators are presented. Index Terms-Fast-cycling accelerator magnet, HTS power cable, Conventional power leads, SC cable power losses.