Timbre dissimilarity of orchestral sounds is well-known to be multidimensional, with attack time and spectral centroid representing its two most robust acoustical correlates. The centroid dimension is traditionally considered as reflecting timbral brightness. However, the question of whether multiple continuous acoustical and/or categorical cues influence brightness perception has not been addressed comprehensively. A triangulation approach was used to examine the dimensionality of timbral brightness, its robustness across different psychoacoustical contexts, and relation to perception of the sounds' source-cause. Listeners compared 14 acoustic instrument sounds in three distinct tasks that collected general dissimilarity, brightness dissimilarity, and direct multi-stimulus brightness ratings. Results confirmed that brightness is a robust unitary auditory dimension, with direct ratings recovering the centroid dimension of general dissimilarity. When a two-dimensional space of brightness dissimilarity was considered, its second dimension correlated with the attack-time dimension of general dissimilarity, which was interpreted as reflecting a potential infiltration of the latter into brightness dissimilarity. Dissimilarity data were further modeled using partial least-squares regression with audio descriptors as predictors. Adding predictors derived from instrument family and the type of resonator and excitation did not improve the model fit, indicating that brightness perception is underpinned primarily by acoustical rather than source-cause cues. V