A complex of polarimetric (dual polarization), spatiotemporally combined active-passive devices of S (~3GHz), C (~5.6GHz), Ku (~20GHz), and Ka (~37GHz) band of frequencies is represented, for bare and vegetated soils, waved water surface and land snow cover microwave reflective and emissive characteristics multi-frequency, polarimetric, simultaneous and spatially coincident measurements. The complex is dedicated to solve problems applied to soil (bear and vegetated) and snow moistures retrieval, to near water surface wind and wave field parameters retrieval, by synergetic application of various kind microwave means of remote sensing, as well as applied to surface and sub-surface targets detection and identification tasks solution. The complex is set in ECOSERV Remote Observation Centre's control-test experimental site, in Armenia, which is equipped by facilities for microwave devices absolute calibration, by spatially distributed stations for in-situ measurements of soil and moistures and temperatures, and has a local meaning small weather station. This paper has an aim to attract attention of researchers who are interested in such kind measurements and to invite them to perform their own or joint measurements using available facilities.