Maestro is a middleware support tool for distributed multimedia and collaborative computing applications. These applications share a common need for managing multiple subgroups while providing possibly different quality-of-service guarantees for each of these groups. Maestro's functionality maps well into these requirements, and can significantly shorten the development time of such applications. In this paper, we report on Maestro, and demonstrate its utility in implementing several multimedia and collaborative computing applications. In particular, we provide a detailed description of the implementation of IMUX, a pseudo X-server (proxy) for collaborative computing applications that is based on In a video conference session, there can be a situation in which participants are connected by a WAN, but subsets of the participants may share the same LAN. Different subsets of the participants in a video conference may require different quality video streams, depending on their locale and equipment. We would probably want to use a video coding scheme similar to that used in earlier work [2][3][4]. Here, one stack is used for low quality frames, which should be delivered to all participants, while another is used for higher quality frames, and delivered only to participants running on nodes that are connected through high bandwidth links to the video sender. In addition, audio data should be delivered in FIFO order, but does not need stronger end-to-end reliability. Indeed, an attempt to overcome infrequent packet loss through a TCP-style flow control and acknowledgement mechanism might introduce undesired latency jitters and hence reduce the perceived reliability of the audio channel. On the other hand, text in the chat area should be delivered reliably and all participants should see postings in the same order.One can also imagine configurations in which subsets of participants would maintain their own private chat groups or side-band conferencing sessions. Such a feature might be useful, for example, in a business negotiation that brings together multiple representatives of one organization in the context of a larger group of participants.Application-sharing systems also demonstrate the need for multiple data streams with independent membership. For example, application multiplexors in the X Windows environment are typically implemented by interposing a 'pseudo-server' between clients and servers. The pseudo-server assumes the role of an X server when interacting with X clients and the role of an X client when interacting with an X server. When input operations are restricted to a single host, an X pseudo-server provides 'output multiplexing', allowing the output of a single application to be viewed simultaneously on multiple screens [6]. An alternate approach called 'input multiplexing' [7,8] replicates the client and employs a simplified pseudo-server. Output operations are passed to the local X server while input operations are multiplexed and communicated to remote replicas via the pseudo-server. ...