The NSTAB and TRAN computer codes have been developed to study equilibrium, stability, and transport in fusion plasmas with three-dimensional (3D) geometry. The numerical method that is applied calculates islands in tokamaks like the Doublet III-D at General Atomic and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. When bifurcated 3D solutions are used in Monte Carlo computations of the energy confinement time, a realistic simulation of transport is obtained. The significance of finding many 3D magnetohydrodynamic equilibria in axially symmetric tokamaks needs attention because their cumulative effect may contribute to the prompt loss of ␣ particles or to crashes and disruptions that are observed. The 3D theory predicts good performance for stellarators.magnetic fusion ͉ magnetohydrodynamics ͉ plasma physics ͉ stellarator ͉ weak solution
Formulation of the Problem
Computational science has led to significant progress in the theory of equilibrium, stability, and transport for fusion plasmas in three dimensions (1, 2). This has made it possible to design advanced tokamaks with net current producing a poloidal field, or stellarators with twisted coils generating rotational transform, as candidates for a fusion reactor. The research we describe is based on the NSTAB and TRAN computer codes (3-5). They enable us to calculate transport in tokamaks by using bifurcated equilibria that do not have two-dimensional (2D) symmetry. For both tokamaks and stellarators, correct solutions of the relevant differential equations have discontinuities associated with islands and current sheets.We apply the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) variational principle to calculate equilibrium and stability of toroidal plasmas in three dimensions. Partial differential equations are solved in a conservation form that describes force balance correctly across islands that are treated as discontinuities. The method has been applied to the Doublet III-D (DIII-D) tokamak and also to the Large Helical Device (LHD) stellarator in Japan. Comparison with observations is favorable in both cases (6, 7). Sometimes the solution of the equations turns out not to be unique, and there may exist bifurcated equilibria that are nonlinearly stable when other theories predict linear instability. The calculations are consistent with high values of the plasma parameter  ϭ 2p/B 2 observed in the LHD. The NSTAB code captures islands correctly despite a nested surface hypothesis made in the numerical algorithm that is used. The reliability of the code has been established by using it to study stellarators without pressure where islands are known to exist in equilibria found from potential theory (8). We have made convincing calculations of this phenomenon in which the rotational transform changes sign so that a sizeable island appears where it vanishes, but the computations are sensitive to details about the profile of .
Computational Analysis3D computer codes are an accepted tool for the study of equilibrium and stability in plasma physics. Good resolution is achiev...