Workplace health promotion aims at maintaining and promoting employees health and well-being which is fundamental for organizational and societal functioning and success. In Chapter 2, it was explored whether health climate, i.e., employees' shared perceptions of organizational health-related efforts, operates as a job resource, supporting employees' affective commitment to the organization. This would underline the importance of workplace health promotion. In this thesis, the focus was on behavioral workplace health promotion and seasonal influenza vaccination behavior in particular. Successful health behavior promotion requires effective and evidence-based health interventions. This premises a profound understanding of underlying motivational and volitional factors and their interplay.Cross-sectional analyses in Chapter 3 investigated whether intention formation by outcome expectancies depended on individuals' past behavior. Analyses in Chapter 4 built on these findings, examining motivational processes longitudinally with regard to subsequent vaccination behavior. Along with, the putative moderating influence of individuals' past behavior on intention formation and future behavior was investigated.In Chapter 5, the prediction of vaccination behavior was analyzed with structural equation modeling, comparing a model derived from the health action process approach to a model adjusted to behavior specifics. The aim was to identify the most suitable composition of social-cognitive variables for behavior prediction.In Chapter 6, health messages promoting vaccination behavior were compared in a randomized trial, along with compensatory health beliefs (CHB). The role of CHB, considered a self-defense strategy, within the intention-behavior relation was examined. Of particular interest was, whether CHB would interfere with health messages.In Chapter 7, theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed. Mitarbeitergesundheit zusammengefasst (Basen-Engquist, Hudmon, Tripp, & Chamberlain, 1998;Mearns, Hope, Ford, & Tetrick, 2010). Im Sinne des "job demands-resources model" (vgl., Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Llorens, Bakker, Schaufeli, & Salanova, 2006) In der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt der Fokus auf der Verhaltensprävention, bei der das individuelle (Gesundheits-)Verhalten im Zentrum der Präventionsarbeit steht (Vgl., Ulich & Wülser, 2009). Unter Gesundheitsverhalten werden hierbei alle Aktivitäten verstanden, die der Vorbeugung von Krankheiten, sowie ihrer rechtzeitigen Entdeckung, dienen und das Ziel verfolgen, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu fördern (Connor, 2001). Dazu zählen bspw.körperliche Aktivität oder eine gesunde Ernährung (Schwarzer, 2008).In Kapitel 3-6 wird die Teilnahme an der saisonalen Influenzaimpfung als Gesundheitsverhaltensweise diskutiert. Die zum Teil umfangreichen und dichten Arbeitsbedingungen in einem Betrieb können zu einem erhöhten Infektionsrisiko für Influenza führen. Daher wird die Grippeschutzimpfung als beste präventive Maßnahme empfohlen (CDC, 2010a;Robert-Koch...