Seeds of wheat cultivar Bologna were treated with a low-pressure, inductively coupled, radio frequency oxygen plasma. E-mode and H-mode plasma at the real powers of 25 and 275 W, respectively, was used at treatment times of 0.1–300 s. Plasma affected seed surface chemistry, determined by XPS, and surface topography, visualized by SEM. The combined effects of functionalization and etching modified seed surface wettability. The water contact angle (WCA) exponentially decreased with treatment time and correlated with the product of discharge power and treatment time well. Super-hydrophilicity was seen at a few 1000 Ws, and the necessary condition was over 35 at.% of surface oxygen. Wettability also correlated well with O-atom dose, where super-hydrophilicity was seen at 1024–1025 m−2. A relatively high germination percentage was seen, up to 1000 Ws (O-atom dose 1023–1024 m−2), while seed viability remained unaffected only up to about 100 Ws. Extensively long treatments decreased germination percentage and viability.